The Vsestarská Cibule PDO is an onion belonging to the Radar, Armstrong, Hyskin, Sedona, Hybelle, Sturon, Baldito, Narvito, Canto, Takmar, Takstar, Wellington, Viktory, Profit and Festival varieties.
Production Area
The production area of Vsestarská Cibule PDO is found in the territory and the surroundings of the municipality of Vsestary and includes the territory of the cities of Bríza, Rosnice, Svetí, Rozberice, Nedeliste, Sendrazice, Máslojedy, Císteves, Horní Dohnalice, Strezetice and Probluz - in the region of Hradec Králové.
Production Method
The onion is grown from hybrid seeds and seedlings. The first phase of the production process is preparing the soil organically, and then it is thoroughly ploughed and prepared in the autumn before winter planting. The soil is prepared in the spring prior to sowing and planting; seeds are irrigated as required. Next, weeding is completed; nitrogenous fertilisers are applied; if necessary, steps are taken to combat weeds, diseases and pests. Once sufficiently matured, onions are topped and removed from the soil before being collected and placed in stores. They are then dried, carefully examined and sized; onions are packaged for the market. The onions must be placed in ventilated and dry rooms to be preserved for a period of up to 10 months.
Appearance and Flavour
The Vsestarská Cibule PDO typically has a round or oval shape and a hard consistency due to dry layers. The external tunic must not be mouldy or moist and the onion must not show signs of diseases or pests. The skin of the product is golden yellow and its flesh is white to greenish white. It tastes sweet, pleasant and spicy according to the variety.
The Vsestarská Cibule PDO is the result of a strong tradition; large-scale onion-growing was launched in 1964 by the managers of the corporation in business then. Over the years, the members and workers of the company have identified which methods are most suitable for the soil and onion growing. The quantity of onions produced has increased over the years always with respect to traditional growth practices, which have continued into the present.
The Vsestarská Cibule PDO must be kept in dried ventilated places or in the least cold compartment of refrigerators, wrapped in paper when it has already been peeled off. It is consumed fresh and it is an essential ingredient in a wide range of Czech dishes.
The product is sold as Vsestarská Cibule PDO. It is marketed mainly in nets of 3; 5; 10; 15; 20 or 25 kg or in boxes of 10, 15, 20 or 25 kg.
Distinctive Features
The Vsestarská Cibule PDO is a unique product due to its physical properties: balance of nutritional parameters, high level of iron and even higher level of B3 vitamin. Other nutritional elements are potassium, phosphorus and B1, B2 and B6 vitamins. The National Nutrient Database (USDA) indicates that the Vsestarská Cibule PDO is a high-quality product, with respect to the traits described above.