The Trebonský Kapr PGI is a type of fish belonging to the common carp species.
Production Area
The production area of the Trebonský Kapr PGI is located in the territory including the lakes of the Trebon basin, in the protected natural reserve of Trebon within the district of the South Bohemian region. The city of Trebon is located at the centre of the production area. Processing can also be realised outside the defined area.
Production Method
The carp yolk-sac larvae are stocked in special nursery ponds during the development phase. While living off natural food (plankton and benthos) they are also partially fed with a supplement consisting of a cereal meal mixture containing no additives. The carp fries are left in these fishponds to grow for one to two years before being transferred to larger fishponds, where they grow to market size in another one to two years. In this phase, the carp live on two-thirds natural food and one-third supplementary cereal feed. When the fish are ready to be sold, they are caught and transferred to smaller water tanks through which water from the defined area flows. The muddy taste of the fish is eliminated by clean running water, causing the meat to acquire more value and taste. After harvesting and standard processing, the product undergoes further processing such as chilling, freezing, smoking and marinating. Its optimal slaughter weight is 1,20 to 1,80 kg at three years of age or 2,40 to 3,20 kg at four years of age.
Appearance and Flavour
The back of the Trebonský Kapr PGI is dark green, grey or grey-blue, the sides are yellow-green to golden and the belly is yellowwhite. The dorsal and caudal fins are grey, anal fins have a reddish tinge, and the pectoral and pelvic fins are yellowish or reddish. The carp is distinguished by its high back. The carp can grow to a size of up to 1 m and a weight of 20 kg or more. Its flesh has a low content of fat and usually a delicate taste.
The production of Trebonský Kapr PGI is related to a thousand-year-old tradition of carp rearing in the Czech territory. Separate carp rearing according to age and the first foundations of the selection of brood carp were mentioned by Dubravius in the 16th century, when fishpond management was more advanced in the Trebon region. In 1506 the famous architect Stepánek Netolický created a proposal for a fishpond system in the Trebon basin, thanks to which a large number of fishponds are fed with water from the Luznice River.
The fresh Trebonský Kapr PGI can be refrigerated for few hours. It is consumed cooked and can be used in many recipes. Fried is tastier, however it can be baked, roasted or boiled and it is frequently covered with aspic. It is a continual product to be served above all during Christmas and it is an excellent dish to be combined not only with wine but also with Czech beer.
The product is sold as Trebonský Kapr PGI. It is sold live or processed, i.e. frozen, chilled (fresh), smoked or marinated in the following forms: whole gutted carp, carp divided into halves or portions, fillets and carp offal.
Distinctive Features
The specific climatic conditions and the ingenious network of manmade channels and artificial fishponds determine the quality of the Trebonský Kapr PGI. The special character, quality and taste parameters of 'Trebonský Kapr are determined predominantly by the rearing and nutrition of the fish in the defined geographical area.