The Tomme de Savoie PGI is an uncooked, pressed-paste cheese obtained with raw and whole or part skimmed milk (20%, 25%, 30%, 40%, 45% fat on dry matter and whole milk) of cows from the local Tarine, Abondance and Montbéliarde breeds nurtured with grass in summer and hay in winter.
Production Area
The production area of Tomme de Savoie PGI includes the departments of Savoie and Haute-Savoie. The milk comes, in addition to the department mentioned above, from the municipal areas of Corbonod, Anglefort and Chanay in the department of Ain, in the region of Rhone-Alps .
Production Method
The milk used to produce it is coagulated through the addition of a small amount of rennet for about 25-40 minutes at a temperature of 30-35°C. The curd is broken up in small grains and mixed for a period of minimum 30 to maximum 60 minutes. Then the curd is put into moulds and mechanically pressed by piling up cheeses. Salting can be made dry or in salt brine and lasts a period depending on the fat percentage of the mould. Ripening, which lasts from one to three months, is made exclusively in the cellars of the production area, where the moulds are stored on wooden boards. Every cheese is upturned regularly and flattened by hand every two days.
Appearance and Flavour
Tomme de Savoie PGI has a round shape with a diameter of 18 cm to 21 cm and a height of 5 cm to 8 cm. The weight spans from 1.2 kg to 2 kg. The rind colour can span from grey to dark grey with spots and moulds. The paste is white or yellowish colour with small holes. The flavour is rustic and strongly aromatic.
Tomme de Savoie PGI was created by farmers who used the skimmed milk remaining from the production of butter in the valleys of Maurienne and Tarentaise of the massifs of Bauges and Chablais. Regularly eaten during every meal, this cheese was served also during the mérande (as snack). Tomme de Savoie PGI takes its name from the Savoy dialect, toma, which means, "cheese produced in alpine pastures".
Tomme de Savoie PGI can be conserved fresh, in the least cold compartment of the refrigerator, wrapped in its original package or in a sealed plastic box. Before eating it, it is suggested to leave it at room temperature for about one hour. It is eaten at the end of a meal, but it can be also used to prepare different dishes like crêpes or omelettes. It is ideal also with salad. It is perfect with the fruity red wines from Savoy like Mondeuse, Chignin or Apremont.
The product is sold as Tomme de Savoie PGI. It is marketed whole or in portions.
Distinctive Features
The flavour and quality of the milk used, the manual skills and the experience of producers give Tomme de Savoie PGI its peculiarities and its characteristic flavour.