The Ternera de Extremadura PGI is meat obtained from bovines of the autochthon Retinta, Avileña-Negra Ibérica, Morucha, Blanca Cacereña and Berrendas breeds and the relative cross breeds with Charolaise and Limousine and with the above autochthon breeds. Depending on the age and diet of the animals, the product is subdivided into Ternera, Añojo and Novillo. The Ternera meat comes from bovines suitable for slaughtering when aged between 7 and 12 months, mostly nurtured with their mother milk. The Añojo meat, on the contrary, comes from bovines suitable for slaughtering when aged between 12 and 16 months, mostly nurtured with previously authorized food. Finally, the Novillo is a bovine suitable for slaughtering when aged between 16 and 36 months, nurtured too with previously authorized food.
Production Area
The Production area of Ternera de Extremadura PGI meat covers 22 districts of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura.
Production Method
The bovines are raised using the traditional techniques of natural resources with extensive method, through which the bovines pasture at the open air in all seasons of the year. Therefore, their alimentation, sometimes integrated with straw, hay, cereals, legumes and fibres concentrates, consists mainly of fodder and other autochthon herbs which grow spontaneously in the pastures.
Appearance and Flavour
The Ternera de Extremadura PGI meat has compact consistency and fine structure. The colour varies depending on type. The Ternera is bright red with white fat; the Añojo has a colour between light red and purple; the Novillo is cherry red coloured with cream colour fat.
The Extremadura pastures, called dehesa, have been achieved thanks to man work on Mediterranean forests. Their largeness in terms of extension of land of the Autonomous Community demonstrates the importance of the Ternera de Extremadura PGI breeding in this region which boasts also ancient traditions.
The Ternera de Extremadura PGI meat can be stored in the refrigerator for a few days. In order to guarantee the tenderness and succulent taste of the meat, it must be matured at a temperature of 1-3° C for a minimum period of seven days. The meat can be stored in this way up to 30 days. The meat is conserved better if covered with its fat. This product is very good when prepared in a lot of different ways: roasted, grilled, oven roasted, stewed and in breaded and fried meat slices. It can be accompanied with different types of vegetables, greens, potatoes, mushrooms, asparaguses and rice. It is perfect with a good red wine.
The product is sold as Ternera de Extremadura PGI Ternera, Añojo and Novillo as established in regulations. It is sold in cuts, pieces or slices cut directly at the counter or packed in trays with variable weight.
Distinctive Features
The dehesa, the pasture where bovine are nurtured for the production of Ternera de Extremadura PGI meat is a system where forestry is combined with breeding to supply natural raw materials to this last, but also improving and helping the protection of biodiversity of these natural habitats.