The Susina di Dro PDO refers to the fresh plum of the local cultivar Prugna di Dro (or Prugna Nera di Dro), commonly known as Susina di Dro.
Production Area
The production area of Susina di Dro PDO is within numerous municipalities in the Sarca Valley, in the Autonomous Province of Trento.
Production Method
Two different growing methods are used: “pieno vento” and “tall spindle”. The density of the plantation does not allow plum orchards with more than 2500 plants per hectare, while the total production permitted in the production area cannot exceed 78 tonnes per hectare. Productivity is controlled through pruning, which is carried out by hand between October 1st and March 31st. Mineral fertilising, pest control and irrigation are managed in accordance with the techniques that are traditionally used in the production area. Harvesting is carried out by hand in August and September, respecting the typical staggered ripening that occurs due to the different microclimates in the hills and valleys. The fresh, healthy, and clean fruit, free from foreign substances or odours, are packaged within the production area in order to avoid damage and rotting.
Appearance and Flavour
Susina di Dro PDO has an oval, slightly elongated shape, with a skin colour that varies from purplish-red to dark bluish-purple; the skin has a waxy outer film. The pulp is compact and yellow or yellowish-green in colour. It is distinguished by its delicate sweet-acidulous-aromatic flavour and its pleasant pasty texture.
The origins of Susina di Dro PDO date back to 1284, as evidenced in the 42 capitularies of the Carte di Regola del Piano del Sarca. Industrial plum cultivation took off in 1911, with the establishment of the Cooperative Consortium Lega dei Contadini del Bacino Arcense, which on its foundation already had 650 members. At the beginning of the 1960s, thanks to the expansion of storage space and the earlier realisation of a modern fruit-drying plant, the Consortium produced 150 tonnes of dried plums. The entire community of the Sarca valley, which has always been sensitive towards the valorisation of the qualitative specificity of the plums grown in Dro, has an active, synergetic attitude towards tourism, the territory and agri-food. “Dro: il tempo delle prugne” is an annual event which takes place in the area every August, and is the modern day version of the Settimana del Prugno Fiorito di Dro, an initiative which began in the 1970s.
Susina di Dro PDO can be kept for several days in a cool, dry place; it will keep longer if kept at a low constant temperature (1-2 °C), even up to 3-4 weeks. As well as being traditionally eaten in its natural form, it can be dried or used in juices, jams, ice-cream, syrups, fermented drinks and distillates. Already well-established as an ingredient for desserts, Susina di Dro PDO has recently become popular in a few pasta dishes, such as gnocchi stuffed with plum.
The product is marketed as Susina di Dro PDO. It is sold in packets of various sizes (1 kg boxes to 8 kg chests), sealed with a net, plastic film or a lid.
Distinctive Features
Susina di Dro PDO is distinguished by its high content of polyphenols and low sugar content: these two characteristics are closely linked to the distinctive features of the production area, especially the regular breezes – the most important is the so-called “Ora del Garda” – which guarantees clear skies and therefore continuous sunshine and high temperatures.