The Slovenská Parenica PGI is a cheese made with untreated fresh and raw ovine milk, coming from sheep belonging to the race Valaska, Zosl'achtená valaska, Cigája and V?chodofrízska ovca. It can also be produced with a mixture of untreated fresh and raw ovine and cows' milk, as long as the minimal content of sheep's milk is 50%.
Production Area
The production area of the Slovenská Parenica PGI extends throughout the entire Slovakia.
Production Method
The fresh sheep's milk, or the mixture of ovine and cows' milk with at least 50% sheep's milk, is brought to curdle at a temperature of 29°C to 32°C. The curd obtained is submitted to curd knifing using a tool shaped like a lyre, until grains of 0.5 cm to 1 cm are obtained. This processing is done by hand, forming a small mass (hrudka). It is taken from the whey and left to drain in a cloth before being placed inside the cheese moulds. These are then left to ferment at 20-23°C for approximately 24 hours. At this point, the cheese mould is cut into pieces weighing roughly 0.5 kg and placed in a wooden container filled with warm water (60-70°C), laying it out along the inside wall of the container with a wooden spatula, until a thin paste layer builds up. Successively, this layer is removed by hand, draining off the excess liquid. The paste is laid out and folded several times on a table, until a band is obtained that is 4-6 m long and 6 cm wide. This band is placed in cold pickle and then wrapped, starting from the ends and moving in the opposite direction, until an "S" shape is formed. Once the cheese is dry, it is smoked for two hours.
Appearance and Flavour
The Slovenská Parenica PGI presents a band shape rolled up into two cylindrical forms connected to each other shaping an "S". The height varies from 5-8 cm and has a diameter of 6-8 cm. The colour of the rind varies between yellow and brown and the paste is white or butter-yellow. The flavour is delicate, pleasantly salty, and the aroma is typical of sheep's milk and smoking. The paste has a fibrous, elastic consistency.
Around the 18th century, the Slovenská Parenica PGI was produced in the kitchens of sheep farmers. Later on, after the 19th century, the product started being commercialised, not only in the current Slovak territory, but also in other European cities. Written evidence dating back to the 20th century can be found, in which its processing method and its peculiar shape are mentioned.
The Slovenská Parenica PGI should be kept in the refrigerator, in its original packaging to protect its quality. Generally, it is consumed fresh as an appetizer or as a main dish.
The product is sold as Slovenská Parenica PGI. It is marketed in individual packs weighing 450 gr or 500 gr, and is wrapped in cling film or transparent cellophane, or inside two small wooden boards, which are rather thick and have an oval shape.
Distinctive Features
The particular character of the Slovenská Parenica PGI is mainly due to the excellent milk quality and the original production method. The latter lends the cheese its particular shape, due mostly to the ability of the producers.