Pasta di Gragnano PGI is pasta obtained from a mixture of durum wheat semolina and water from the local aquifer. The product is available in various typical shapes, fruit of the Gragnano pasta-makers’ imagination, and it has a characteristic rough surface due to bronze drawing.
Production Area
The production area of Pasta di Gragnano PGI is within the entire territory of the Municipality of Gragnano, in the Province of Naples, the Campania region.
Production Method
The production method for Pasta di Gragnano PGI is divided into various stages: mixing, which consists of mixing the durum wheat semolina with water from the Gragnanese subsoil, no more than 30% of the total mixture; kneading until the dough reaches the right consistency and springiness; extrusion or drawing, which consists of inserting the dough inside bronze dies to obtain the desired shapes; drying, cooling, and stabilisation, during which the pasta is dried gradually at a temperature of between 40 and 85 °C for 4 to 60 hours, depending on the shape. The pasta is then subjected to several cycles of ventilation with hot air. The final stages are cooling and stabilisation. The product must be packaged within 24 hours, in the same place where it was produced.
Appearance and Flavour
Pasta di Gragnano PGI has a homogeneous pale yellow colour and is characterised by its rough surface, obtained through the use of bronze dies, which determines its extraordinary ability to bind with different types of sauces. Once cooked, it has a firm, springy consistency, is not sticky, and maintains its shape well, with a strong flavour of durum wheat and a light fragrance of ripe wheat.
Thanks Gragnano’s its well-established tradition, today the city is referred to as the “City of Pasta.” The historical importance of the production of pasta in Gragnano was such that over the centuries it influenced the design of urban areas. The production of pasta took root early on in Gragnano, so much so that the first guild of Vermicelli-makers (Vermicellai) was established in the 16th century. Production continued to develop up until the 18th century, when it reached its peak, actually resulting in the city being redesigned with the 1843 urban plan, in order to promote the flow of air currents which were fundamental for the success of the drying process. The remains of utensils used to make pasta can still be seen today along the route of the ancient Valle dei Mulini (Valley of Windmills).
Pasta di Gragnano PGI keeps for up to three years, provided that it is kept in a cool, dry place, away from direct light, moisture and heat sources that may damage it. To fully appreciate its organoleptic qualities, it is important to follow a few simple guidelines on how to cook it correctly: the pan must be large and the pasta must only be added when the water is boiling; the ratio between boiling water and salt must be 1-1.1 litres of water to 10-12 g of coarse salt per 100 g of pasta. Larded Mezzi Rigatoni di Gragnano PGI with cauliflower, sun-dried tomatoes and flakes of Provolone del Monaco PDO is a tasty traditional recipe, and should be paired with another product from the same area of origin.
The product is marketed as Pasta di Gragnano PGI, in numerous different shapes. It is sold in cardboard boxes or transparent bags, or in packets made from material of plant origin permitted by European legislation. The packets have a minimum weight ranging from 100 g to 5 kg and the relative weights expressed in metric systems different from that used in the European Union.
Distinctive Features
The production method for Pasta di Gragnano PGI is the result of centuries of experience and tradition. The care with which each step is followed and implemented contributes to the complete success of the entire production process, and this, together with the originality of the shapes, fruit of the local master pasta-makers’ creativity, has led to the product’s international reputation.