Pancetta Piacentina PDO is a charcuterie product obtained from the so-called “pancettone”, a fatty cut of pork. The meat comes from the Italian Large White, Landrace and Duroc pig breeds or other breeds compatible with the Italian heavy pig.
Production Area
The production area of Pancetta Piacentina PDO is within the territory of the Province of Piacenza located up to 900 m.a.s.l., in the Emilia-Romagna region. The pigs used for processing have to be born, reared and slaughtered in the regions of Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna.
Production Method
After the pancettone is selected, it is cut into squares, trimmed and left in refrigerated rooms until salting. It is dry salted by hand, using a mixture of salt, pepper and spices. The salted product is then left in a refrigerator for a minimum of 10 days. After the excess salt and spices are scraped off, the bacon is rolled and tied. The ends without rind and the side seam are covered with natural pig casings or pieces of plant-based paper, to provide natural protection during curing. The product is dried and cured for a minimum period of four months, commencing from the salting date, in environments with temperatures ranging between 10 and 18°C and a humidity level of 70-90%. All the production processes take place in areas that do not exceed an altitude of 900 m.
Appearance and Flavour
Pancetta Piacentina PDO has a cylindrical shape and weighs between 4 and 8 kg. The slice is bright red in the lean parts and white in the fat parts. The meat has a sweet and pleasant fragrance. The slice is soft on the palate, tending to melt in the mouth thanks to the fat, which also determines the delicate and remarkably sweet flavour that contains the sapidity that makes this product particularly appetising.
The first traces of pig farming in the production area of Pancetta Piacentina PDO date back to one millennium BC. Further evidence can be found in Roman civilization, with archaeological finds such as a bronze talisman-pendant showing a small pig. There are also depictions of this animal in the Abbey of San Colombano a Bobbio, in Val Trebbia, where there is a 12th century mosaic portraying the “sacred” ritual of pig slaughtering. At the beginning of the 15th century, tradesmen in Milan and Lombardy were already able to distinguish Piacenza charcuterie from those coming from other places in the Po valley, describing them as “roba de Piaseinsa” (stuff from Piacenza). Subsequently, in the first decades of the 18th century, Piacenza charcuterie was also appreciated in elite French and Spanish environments, thanks to a skilful diplomat from Piacenza, Cardinal Giulio Alberoni. During the last century, the local processing of meat started to become semi-industrial, however, notwithstanding the passing of time and progress in technology, companies continue to produce this product with traditional methods linked to customs passed down from generation to generation.
The best way to preserve Pancetta Piacentina PDO is to keep it in the refrigerator, after having carefully washed the rind and wrapped it in a damp cloth. Traditionally it is eaten raw as starter, with other charcuterie products, or used as the filling for the Piadina Romagnola PGI. It is also used as an ingredient in many other recipes.
The product is marketed as Pancetta Piacentina PDO. It is sold whole, in pieces or sliced, unpackaged, vacuum-packed or in modified atmosphere packaging.
Distinctive Features
In contrast to other bacons, Pancetta Piacentina PDO is rolled, a characteristic that is evident in the slice, which has alternating circular layers.