The Maçã da Cova da Beira PGI is an apple of the Malus domestica Borkh species and is grown in three varieties: Golden Delicious, Red Delicious and the Jersey Mac. The particular flavour and quality of these apples is conferred by the microclimate and soil in the area.
Production Area
Maçã da Cova da Beira PGI apples are grown in the districts of Castelo Branco and Guarda.
Production Method
These apples grow on trees cultivated in cold and temperate areas, with a relatively long dormant winter period. The need for a long cold period is very important for the blossoming, production and ripening of the fruit. There are 1,500 hectares of orchard. The altitude which produces the best fruit is between 400 m and 550 m above sea level.
Appearance and Flavour
Maçã da Cova da Beira PGI is a classic, medium to large size apple. It is yellow and green in colour and has its own, particular delightful and distinctive flavour.
The history of apple growing in this area of the Beiras is closely linked to the growing of cherries. In fact apple growing suffered greatly from the success of the excellent Cereja da Cova da Beira PGI cherry which replaced the apple cultivation. Thus many local species of apple became extinct and were replaced by exotic varieties, which adapted over time to the local climate and conditions and produce excellent fruit such as Maçã da Cova Beira PGI.
Maçã da Cova da Beira PGI apples can be stored for several months at a temperature of between 2°C and 4°C. They can be eaten as a table fruit used as an ingredient for puddings and cakes used to make fruit juice.
These apples are sold as Maçã da Cova da Beira PGI in three categories according to size: I, II and Extra. They are sold in 1 kg covets.
Distinctive Features
The various varieties of Maçã da Cova da Beira PGI apples are grown in an ideal climate and area, situated between Serra da Gardunha and Serra Estrela, which provide protection for the apples from the strong Atlantic winds.