The Cidre de Bretagne PGI is a drink obtained through the fermentation of cider apples.
Production Area
The Cidre de Bretagne PGI production area comprises the departments of Ille-et-Vilaine, Côtes-d'Armor, Finistère and Morbihan in the Brittany region and the departments of Loire-Atlantique, Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne and Sarthe in the Pays-de-la-Loire region.
Production Method
The harvested cider apples are washed before being grated and squeezed, resulting in a pulp that is then mechanically pressed. The resulting must is then left to ferment, and the removal of the biomass during this process occurs through decantation, centrifugation or filtration. After fermentation, fining and assembly of the different types of cider is carried out allowing the regularization of the product's quality prior to packaging. The formation of froth can take place in closed containers or in bottles. Pasteurization or gasification is permitted, as well as the sweetening of the product with concentrated apple musts from fresh cider.
Appearance and Flavour
Cidre de Bretagne PGI has a clear gradation, a subtle creamy head and bubbles within the liquid. The colour varies from a straw yellow to a mahogany-brown depending on the variety and region. For this reason the Illeet-Vilaine varieties of cider, traditionally more acidic, are clear, while those in southern Finistère, where bitter apples are more common, have a dark and more accentuated coloration. The Cidre de Bretagne PGI varieties are characterized by rich, spicy, full bodied and rustic aromas, with fruity and flowery features.
Although the existence of apples in Brittany dates back to ancient times, it was only in the 13th century, with the appearance of the press, that the production of cider was developed and soon became the main drink with meals. Brittany is currently one of the two main regions for the growing of cider apples and the processing of the product, especially Cidre de Bretagne PGI, with 40% of national production. The term cider was first mentioned in texts dating back to the 6th century.
Cidre de Bretagne PGI should be stored in cool place and is usually consumed fresh or cold at a temperature which can vary from 7°C to 10°C. The best way to appreciate this cider is to drink it from a flute glass during an aperitif or for dessert. It combines well with any kind of light dish, fish, seafood, poultry, and cheeses. Cider is the traditional drink used in the crêperies, as it perfectly matches with salty or sweet crêpes. It is often used in the kitchen to flavour many recipes. Thanks to its elegant characteristics it is often served in a bucket with ice, as is done for champagne.
The product is sold as Cidre de Bretagne PGI. It is marketed in glass bottles of different shapes and sizes.
Distinctive Features
The knowledge and methods developed locally by generations of traditional cider producers, starting from an absolutely typical raw material, have served to develop a variety of cider renowned worldwide, Cidre de Bretagne PGI.